CMSC400 level Course Descriptions
Welcome to the CMSC400 Level Wiki. Here you will find currently available information on course offerings for Fall 2016. Students ready for 400 level courses should be sure to review this information prior to coming in for their mandatory advising appointments.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that any student will be granted a permission stamp for a 3rd class.
A friendly reminder to use the discussion pages for ==constructive== conversations about the course content. Advisors will be in on those conversations to help out, too!
We hope this helps you make decisions about your courses!
- The Undergrad Office
Area 1: Systems
Area 2: Information Processing
- CMSC420 Michelle Hugue
- CMSC420 w/ Samet Hanan Samet
- CMSC421 Hal Duame
- CMSC422 Venkatramanan Subrahmanian
- CMSC423 Mihai Pop
- CMSC424 Amol Deshpande
- CMSC424 Nicholas Roussopoulos
- CMSC426 John Aloimonos
Area 3: Software Engineering and Programming Languages
- CMSC430 Jeff Foster
- CMSC433 Rance Cleaveland
- CMSC434 Jon Froehlich
- CMSC435 James Purtilo
- CMSC436 Adam Porter
Area 4: Theory
Area 5: Numerical Analysis
- CMSC466 Dionisios Margetis
- CMSC320 Hector Corrada Bravo
- CMSC474 Dana Nau
- CMSC498I Larry Davis
- CMSC499A Various Faculty
***Please note that you can check the course webpages here for more information as it becomes available.***
The information available is subject to change.