CMSC400 level Course Descriptions
Area 1: Systems
Area 2: Information Processing
- CMSC420 w/ Hugue Michelle Hugue
- CMSC420 w/ Samet Hanan Samet
- CMSC421 Hal Duame
- CMSC422 Venkatramanan Subrahmanian
- CMSC423 Mihai Pop
- CMSC424 Amol Deshpande
- CMSC424 Nicholas Roussopoulos
- CMSC426 John Aloimonos
Area 3: Software Engineering and Programming Languages
- CMSC430 Jeff Foster
- CMSC433 Rance Cleaveland
- CMSC434 Jon Froehlich
- CMSC435 James Purtilo
- CMSC436 Adam Porter
Area 4: Theory
Area 5: Numerical Analysis
- CMSC466 Dionisios Margetis
- CMSC320 Hector Corrada Bravo
- CMSC474 Dana Nau
- CMSC498I Larry Davis
- CMSC499A Various Faculty
***Please note that you can check the course webpages here for more information as it becomes available.***