CMSC421 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

From CS 400 Level Course Wiki
Revision as of 12:06, 12 October 2016 by Alyssa (talk | contribs)

Course Information
Areas and issues in artificial intelligence, including search, inference, knowledge representation, learning, vision, natural languages, expert systems, robotics. Implementation and application of programming languages (e.g. LISP, PROLOG, SMALLTALK), programming techniques (e.g. pattern matching, discrimination networks) and control structures (e.g. agendas, data dependencies).

Instructor Section Day & Time Location
Donald Perlis 0101 MW 3:30PM - 4:45PM CSI 1122

Course Prerequisite(s)
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC351 and CMSC330; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program.

Class Webpage

Hours Per Week
4-6 Hours p/Week

Languages Used

Recommended Prior Experience

Projects, Exams, or other Assessments

Misc Info