How To Start the Project

From CMSC 420
Revision as of 00:25, 6 February 2017 by Btrap (talk | contribs)
  1. Download the updated JAR file: cmsc420util.jar
  2. Download all given input and output files:
  3. Read the spec (several times if necessary)
  4. Start a new project in Eclipse
  5. Add the external JAR file in Eclipse: Right-click on your new project->Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries tab->Add External JAR. To add the source and javadoc, click the plus sign and attach them.
  6. Download the project starter files from the submit server if there are any.
  7. Add the project starter files: Right click your project, choose Import, then Archive File, browse to the starter archive, select everything (OK, maybe not the META-INF directory), Finish. (currently, no startup files for spring spr2009)
  8. Download XmlCompare plugin for Eclipse.
    1. In Eclipse, Help->Software Updates->Find and Install
    2. Search for new features to install
    3. Check Eclipse Project Updates, Finish
    4. Under Eclipse Project Updates, find the version you are running (Help|About), check Eclipse SDK Examples
    5. Next, accept, Next, Finish, (wait), Install All
    6. Restart Eclipse
    • (Note: this installs lots of unwanted crud, and ate my line:col statusbar display; to fix it, exit Eclipse, go into $HOME/.eclipse/org.eclipse.sdk.ide/updates/eclipse/plugins and delete everything you didn't ask for)
    • To use: select two .xml files in the Navigator, right click, compare with->each other