Next, I will present a novel approach for ranking and retrieval of images based on multi-attribute queries. Existing image retrieval methods train separate classifiers for each word and heuristically combine their outputs for retrieving multi-word queries. Moreover, these approaches ignore the interdependencies among the query words. In contrast, we propose a principled approach for multi-attribute retrieval which explicitly models the correlations that are present between the attributes. Given a multi-attribute query, we also utilize other attributes in the vocabulary which are not present in the query, for ranking/retrieval. | Next, I will present a novel approach for ranking and retrieval of images based on multi-attribute queries. Existing image retrieval methods train separate classifiers for each word and heuristically combine their outputs for retrieving multi-word queries. Moreover, these approaches ignore the interdependencies among the query words. In contrast, we propose a principled approach for multi-attribute retrieval which explicitly models the correlations that are present between the attributes. Given a multi-attribute query, we also utilize other attributes in the vocabulary which are not present in the query, for ranking/retrieval. |