< User:Szha | Notes/CMSC734
- overview detail zoom filter
- critique NYTimes letter
- start with complimentary
- then things that could be improved
- 8 golden rules for visualization
- stop list? punctuations and of
cognitive amplification
increased resources
- high-bandwidth hierarchical interaction
- parallel perceptual processing
- offload work from cognitive to perceptual system
- expanded working memory
- expanded storage of information
reduced search
- locality of processing
- high data density
- spatially-indexed addressing
enhanced recognition of patterns
- recognition instead of recall
- abstraction and aggregation
- visual schema for organization
- value, relationship, trend
perceptual inference
- visual representations make some problems obvious
- graphical computations
perceptual monitoring
- compact presentation
- multiple attributes simultaneously
- range/distribution/outliers stand out
- recognize patterns, clusters, gaps,
- interaction
- select, filter, group
- multiple coordinated windows
8 golden rules of info vis
large issues
choice of services, intended users, ease of learning, range of exploration, etc.
medium issues
use of color, window management, interaction techniques, choice of widgets, data quality, etc.
small issues
terminology, label placement, color, fonts, etc.
- categorical data
- provide appropriate high quality data for intended users
- simplify learning, prevent errors, enable shortcuts
- support exploration with proper widgets
- coordinate multiple windows
- strive for consistent terminology, color, fonts, etc.
- ensure label clarity, complete legends, full titles