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! Location
! Location
|- style="vertical-align:top;" |
|- style="vertical-align:top;" |
| MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM || style="vertical-align:top;" | [ MTH 1308]
| MWF 11:00am - 11:50am || style="vertical-align:top;" | [ PHY 4222]
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''' Misc Info ''' <br>
''' Misc Info ''' <br>
== Tobias Von Petersdforff | 0201 ==
== Jacob Bedrossian | 0201 ==
{| style="text-align:left; width: 550PX;"
! Day & Time
! Location
| MWF 1:00PM - 1:50PM || style="vertical-align:top;" | [ MTH 0303]
''' Course Prerequisite(s) ''' <br>
Prerequisite: MATH240 and MATH241; and (CMSC106 or CMSC131); and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Also offered as: AMSC460. Credit only granted for: AMSC460, AMSC466, CMSC460, or CMSC466.
''' Class Webpage ''' <br>
[ Spring 2016].
''' Hours Per Week ''' <br>
''' Languages Used ''' <br>
''' Recommended Prior Experience ''' <br>
''' Projects, Exams, or other Assessments ''' <br>
''' Misc Info ''' <br>
== Doron Levy | 0301 ==
{| style="text-align:left; width: 550PX;"
{| style="text-align:left; width: 550PX;"
! Day & Time
! Day & Time
! Location
! Location
|- style="vertical-align:top;" |
|- style="vertical-align:top;" |
| TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM || style="vertical-align:top;" | [ MTH B0427]
| MWF 12:00pm - 12:50pm || style="vertical-align:top;" | [ MTH 0405]