From CS 400 Level Course Wiki
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! Location
! Location
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| Jeffrey Adams || style="vertical-align:top;" | 0101 || MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM || style="vertical-align:top;" | [ ITV 1100]<br>
| Lawrence Washington || style="vertical-align:top;" | 0101 || TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm || style="vertical-align:top;" | [ ATL 2324]<br>
| Jonathan Katz || style="vertical-align:top;" | 0201 || TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm || style="vertical-align:top;" | [ ESJ 2208]
''' Course Prerequisite(s) ''' <br>
''' Course Prerequisite(s) ''' <br>
Prerequisite: (any two 400-level MATH courses; or (CMSC351 and CMSC330)); and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be a CMSC graduate student. Also offered as: MATH456. Credit only granted for: CMSC456 or MATH456.
Prerequisite: (CMSC106, CMSC131, or ENEE150; or equivalent programming experience); and (2 courses from (CMSC330, CMSC351, ENEE324, or ENEE380); or any one of these courses and a 400-level MATH course, or two 400-level MATH courses). Or permission of instructor. Also offered as: MATH456, ENEE456. Credit only granted for: MATH456, CMSC456, or ENEE456.
''' Class Webpage ''' <br>
''' Class Webpage ''' <br>