
From CMSC 420
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Name: Belle Radford
Age: 37
Country: France
Home town: Foug�res
ZIP: 35300
Address: 61 rue Isambard

In times of factory farming and chemical contaminated food, more and more people are deciding to vegetarianism and vegetarian restaurants, especially in the big cities, in the trend.

It arises from a change of consciousness. One in every three in Germany, particularly with higher levels of education and among the younger generation, to vegetarianism feels connected. A quantum leap in the development and a completely altered eating habits. What was unthinkable a few decades ago, today's everyday life: delicious vegetarian food.

To eat in the Diner, there are of course many reasons. Thus, some simply expect a more optimal meal than if they would cook it yourself. Because not everyone can compare his cooking skills with those of a benefit cook. Should also be a reason that you know even just a few easy recipes and the selection in the pub like. Because you know what I mean, when you do not really have much time, you tend to here at home, easy to cook what you know. In the end, leads to the fact that you constantly eat the same or Home Page used. In others should of course make all the difference and the environment in the pub. Instead of sitting at home alone, there are other people, maybe music and other influences. And great final course, the fact that you have to do anything yourself. Make no preparations, no shopping, no more and no cook dishes. Everything is done and you can fully concentrate on the & Enjoy.

The European economy currently is not really the strongest of all, and even Germans have become less and less money in their pockets, which they can bring to the people or in the commercial. In particular, it is felt intensely in the hospitality industry including. Always harder the fight for every single customer. In particular, smaller companies are forced to lay off an average of 20% of the employees out of season. Hardworking, motivated, and on average employees have less to fear for their job.