Part 1 Speed

These are user times in seconds (rounded up) from running the following command on

./ n | time java -Xmx8192M -Xincgc Main > /dev/null

where n is replaced with one of the values from the table. (You may need to tap java150 to access Java on Grace.) Yes, that's a lotta memory.

Who n=10 n=100 n=1000 n=5000 Notes
Ben 1 1 11 210 Run by jkleint... Used 7 GB RAM. That's 1.4 MB per city. Dang.

This is just for kicks on Part 1; we're not grading performance. These timings probably include so much XML parsing overhead as to be pretty meaningless anyway. They're a rough guide; if your solution is working and you're taking more than 2-3x this time (or memory!), try running a profiler to see where your code is spending its time. Or steal someone else's for Part 2. :)