Additionally, we present a method for extracting the geo-spatial trajectory of a moving camera in a city from videos in the wild such as typical YouTube clips. First, we divide the video into smaller segments and localize each one individually. Then, we fuse the information from different segments utilizing a Bayesian formulation to have a temporally consistent trajectory. Lastly, we perform a post processing by a novel non-model-based trajectory reconstruction method based on Minimum Spanning trees; we argue that such post processing is essential for addressing the problems that the basic Bayesian formulation faces due to having a predefined underlying motion model, while the motion of camera in wild videos does not necessary follow any pattern. | Additionally, we present a method for extracting the geo-spatial trajectory of a moving camera in a city from videos in the wild such as typical YouTube clips. First, we divide the video into smaller segments and localize each one individually. Then, we fuse the information from different segments utilizing a Bayesian formulation to have a temporally consistent trajectory. Lastly, we perform a post processing by a novel non-model-based trajectory reconstruction method based on Minimum Spanning trees; we argue that such post processing is essential for addressing the problems that the basic Bayesian formulation faces due to having a predefined underlying motion model, while the motion of camera in wild videos does not necessary follow any pattern. |