

From CMSC 420
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The idea of the MeeshQuest project is to emulate some of the functionality of map sites like [ MapQuest] or [ Google Maps].  We will need a database of cities, which are just named points in the plane.  From this, we want to be able to draw pictures of a given region showing the cities contained in that region.  We will get cities from the database and insert them into a spatial datastructure that can be used to draw a picture.  The basic spatial datastructure we will use is a [[quadtree]] -- a sort of 2-dimensional binary search tree.  
The idea of the MeeshQuest project is to emulate some of the functionality of map sites like [ MapQuest] or [ Google Maps].  We will need a database of cities, which are just named points in the plane.  From this, we want to be able to draw pictures of a given region showing the cities contained in that region.  We will get cities from the database and insert them into a spatial data structure that can be used to draw a picture.  The basic spatial data structure we will use is a [[quadtree]] -- a sort of 2-dimensional binary search tree.  
The operations you will need to support can be gleaned from the [ input specification]:
The project is divided into 4 parts:
*[[Part 1]]
*[[Part 2]]
*[[Part 3]]
*[[Part 4]]
* [[createCity]] and [[deleteCity]]: You will need to be able to register cities with and remove them from the database.  No two cities can have the same coordinates or name.
(Remember: if you think this page could be better -- you can change it!  Click the "edit" tab up top to get started.)
* [[mapCity]] and [[unmapCity]]: These take a city that's already registered in the database and add it to or remove it from the spatial datastructure.
* [[listCities]]: Output a sorted (XML) list of cities in the (database? spatial datastructure? graph?).
* [[rangeCity]]: This searches the spatial datastructure for all cities within a given radius of a given point.
* [[nearestCity]]: This finds the nearest city to a given point (in the database ?).
* [[printPRQuadtree]]: This outputs an XML (textual) representation of the spatial datastructure.
* [[saveMap]]: This outputs a visual representation (an image) of the spatial datastructure.  See [[CanvasPlus]].
* [[clearAll]]: Clears all of the datastructures, removing all elements.
Since this is a visual project, it will help to be able to visualize your datastructures.  A nice graphics library called [[CanvasPlus]] [ (spec)] makes this visualization easy.
== Data Structures ==
There are three main concepts for this project:
# Data Dictionary (TreeMaps and TreeSets for part 1, B-tree for parts 2 and 3)
# Spatial Map ([[PR Quadtree]] for part 1, [[PM Quadtree#PM3 Quadtree | PM3 Quadtree]] for part 2)
# Road Adjacency List
An important concept to remember is that the data dictionary is not the same as the spatial map. If you create a city, it is not automatically mapped in the spatial map.
== Input ==
The input comes in the form of [ XML]; a handy [ XmlUtility] for parsing the input is provided. If you are not familiar with XML, w3schools has a great tutorial that can be found [ here]. The spec also has a decent amount of information on how to parse the XML.
== Output ==
Output is stored in a DOM object that represents an XML file. A DOM document consists of a root Element that has any number of child Elements, each of which can have any number of child Elements. The DOM document building is handled by [ org.wc3.dom.Document]. When required to print [ XML] for output, you can use the same handy [ XmlUtility]. The spec has a decent amount of information on how to use the utility to write to the DOM object.
== City Objects ==
You will want to create a <code>City</code> object to store basic information about cities; the spec recommends extending <code>[ java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float]</code>.
== Visualization ==
Since this is a visual project, it will help to be able to visualize your data structures.  A nice graphics library called [ CanvasPlus] [] makes this visualization easy.
