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How To Set Up CVS for Meeshquest[edit]

CVS provides you with a backup on a secondary machine, the ability to roll back changes, and a convenient way to work from many machines on the same project. It would be a wise use of your time to set up CVS for this project.

Setting up your repository[edit]

We don't want to use your old grace repository as your malloclab partner has access to that.

  1. Login to cs420xxx@linuxlab.csic.umd.edu (you can find your id and password on blackboard)
  2. $ mkdir 420CVS
  3. $ setenv CVSROOT /afs/csic.umd.edu/class/cmsc420/0101/cs420xxx/420CVS
  4. $ cd 420CVS
  5. $ cvs init
  6. $ chmod o-rwx $CVSROOT

Connecting with Eclipse[edit]

  1. In the CVS Perspective...
    1. Host: linuxlab.csic.umd.edu
    2. Repository Path: /afs/csic.umd.edu/class/cmsc420/0101/cs420xxx/420CVS
    3. User: cs420xxx
    4. Password: <your password>
    5. Connection Type: extssh
    6. (Check 'Save password' to avoid entering your password each time)
  1. In the Java Perspective...
    1. Once you've created your project, right click on the project folder and click "Team->Share Project"
    2. Use the existing repository location you just created, and use all the defaults provided unless you have some compelling reason not to.