From CMSC 420
How To Set Up CVS for Meeshquest[edit]
CVS provides you with a backup on a secondary machine, the ability to roll back changes, and a convenient way to work from many machines on the same project. It would be a wise use of your time to set up CVS for this project.
Setting up your repository[edit]
We don't want to use your old grace repository as your malloclab partner has access to that.
- Login to
- $ mkdir 420CVS
- $ setenv CVSROOT /afs/glue/class/spring2015/cmsc/420/0201/student/USERNAME/420CVS
- $ cd 420CVS
- $ cvs init
- $ chmod o-rwx $CVSROOT
Connecting with Eclipse[edit]
- In the CVS Perspective...
- Host:
- Repository Path: /afs/glue/class/spring2015/cmsc/420/0201/student/USERNAME/420CVS
- User: <directory username>
- Password: <your password>
- Connection Type: extssh
- (Check 'Save password' to avoid entering your password each time)
- In the Java Perspective...
- Once you've created your project, right click on the project folder and click "Team->Share Project"
- Use the existing repository location you just created, and use all the defaults provided unless you have some compelling reason not to.