Part 3 Test Files
Upload and post Part 3 test files here.
You will need to right-click these and do a Save As... just copying/pasting them from your browser will not work.
If you have downloaded and ran someone's test files, mark on the wiki that you verify if outputs correctly. If you have a problem with a test file, mark it on the wiki and discuss it on the forum or possibly on the talk page (although more people would probably see it on the CS forum).
Chris Conroy's Test Files
- Verified by Chris. (Updated Nearest/Range Road test & Added NearestCityToRoad Test 11:40pm, Tues)
- See This Unit Test if you want a quick way of regression testing against part 2 stuff.
- Test case taken from the PM powerpoint lecture. I stole the cheesy title as well.
- Basic Range and Nearest Road test. Helped me figure out the problems with mine. It's not exhaustive but gets a few edge cases in there.
- Simple Range Road Test Input
- Simple Range Road Test Output
- ^ May be inaccurate. I was getting different results but still passed the range test.
- Basic Range and Nearest Road test. Helped me figure out the problems with mine. It's not exhaustive but gets a few edge cases in there.
- Unconfirmed Nearest City To Road tester. Checks for cities along the boundary, error cases, and name ordering for ties. PLEASE CONFIRM.
(Note, after passing this test my release score went up 20 points, so it at least constitutes a subset of valid nearestCityToRoad tests)
J Stuckey's Test Files
- Name Range test